What's this all about?
Healthcare in the United States leaves people on their own to navigate the human challenges that start with serious illness and continue until the end of life. If you or a loved one is facing illness, aging, palliative, or hospice care, and it has you or them confused about the way forward, please call us. We can be present for you.
Meet Jane
Jane is a practicing end-of-life doula, palliative care leader, and co-founder of Present for You LLC, a public benefit company. Present for You LLC provides support for individuals and their families navigating serious illness and the end of life. Jane is a compassionate guide who builds and advocates for harmonious spaces for her families. Jane brings a lifetime of experience in this space and believes everyone deserves a doula to support the human side of aging, serious illness, and end of life. She serves each family uniquely with the understanding that relationship, listening, and presence are the most important aspects of her role. She believes walking with a family during the end-of-life journey is a humbling and sacred path. Jane is routinely asked to present and educate organizations on the role of an end-of-life doula, vigil support, anticipatory grief, and navigating the non-medical side of serious illness.
Jane trained with INELDA, has an End-of-Life Doula Certificate from the University of Vermont, and holds a Master's Degree in Palliative Care from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She spent several years as a hospice and No One Dies Alone volunteer. Currently she is working as both a doula for a local hospice and a hospital hospice coordinator.